5 Amazing People You Think Dont Exist
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Mikel Ruffinelli currently holds the record for having the widest hips in the world. Her hips measure at an amazing eight foot circumference!
3. Amoo Hadji (World dirtiest man)
The world we live in, is vastly different from the world we think we live in. It's a small world, but there is a huge variety of people living in it. Here you will be seeing 5 amazing people you actually think dont exist.
1.Elisany da cruz ( world Tallest model from Brazil)
Elisany da Cruz Silva, a 17-year-old girl from Brazil, currently stands at six feet, nine inches in height. This is a very rare form of gigantism caused by a tumor on her pituitary gland.
2. Mikel Ruffinelli (The world's widest hips)
Mikel Ruffinelli currently holds the record for having the widest hips in the world. Her hips measure at an amazing eight foot circumference!
3. Amoo Hadji (World dirtiest man)
Amoo Hadij, a peculiar 80-year-old man from Iran, has not bathed himself once in more than 60 years. No one knows why Amoo has refused to bathe in over six decades. However, he seems to be doing fine.
4. Michelle (world smallest waist)
At 24 years old, Michelle Kobke, who lives in Germany, is obsessed with achieving the smallest waist in the world. She is one of those women who are willing to suffer greatly for beauty.
5. Tom (Man with 0% fat)
Tom Staniford lives with Myelodysplastic Preleukemic syndrome, also known as MDP syndrome. This is a condition in which his body is unable to store fat under his skin. MDP is an extremely rare metabolic disorder, which is currently known to affect only a total of eight people in the entire world.
5 Amazing People You Think Dont Exist
2:45:00 AM
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