Terms and Conditions
This Site Is made for people over 14 years only, any user found to be lying about their age in order to access the site will be deleted without warning. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Posts containing racism, spamming, flooding, Adult words Or illegal hacking Information such as Credit cards, serials, bank accounts and adult files will be deleted immediately, and the posters will BE BANNED WITHOUT WARNING!
Registering more than one username is prohibited here, such actions could result in all your accounts being deleted
Security tip: Never give your username and password to anyone, Any of our site dose not requires your username or password will be linked from this site..
And if you see a site that requires thus and is not part of the site. Please forward the site to any of the Admins/Mods Online
we do not need your personal information (like age, sex, location etc..) just to gain access to hidden forums and other content in here, could result in you being banned, or getting a warning at least
Raising Abuses or Harassing any official of this site will lead to a BAN...
If anything arises the need of such action. Please report to the site owner.
Harassment and racism as well as posts leading to religious agreements are not allowed and might result in a ban, and a permanent IP-Ban if this behavior continues
Bumping topics (keep posting in them by the author of the topic just to keep it on the first page) will cause these topics to be deleted and the penalty could vary between warning, or even a ban
Creating unwanted threads are not allowed, doing this might lead to a warning or ban
English is the site general language and we expect that to be use on the Public parts of this site (shoutbox, and all chat rooms except user created and international rooms), but you are free to create your own chatroom and club in any language
No smoking in public forum , chat,or next to pregnant ladies, or babies hehe...
ALL Bans are logged as and ALL pms with any form of website links in them, any pms sent containing weblinks will be moderated by the proudly 9ja BOTS and admins and this may result in a ban for the sending user for an appropriate length of time...(automatic Ban by the Bots)
The most IMPORTANT rule here is to have fun and enjoy your stay
::Remember, these rules were made for protecting you before protecting us, if you think they are a little restrictive you are free to Contact any online staff member(only if you are logged in), Thank you
Terms and Conditions
9:33:00 AM
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